Intro to Smart Pixels - Part 1
Are you interested in a Christmas light show? One that you can control each light individually to any color anytime? This post will get you familiar with the terms and technology.
Easy Smart Pixels Tutorial - Part 2
Learn how to plan for your first smart pixels light show, power management, bracketing, questions to ask and get answers to common mistakes.
Blog Revenue - All the numbers
For the first time i've posted my Blog Revenue details.... so if you want to know how much money 780,000 pageviews will earn you. Then check out this article on what i've been doing, and follow me to watch what I continue to do to improve the numbers.
Network Setup: Falcon Player with Falcon F16v3 Controller
Trying to get a Christmas light show setup and need help networking t he controller to a falcon player. This easy tutorial will help you get it done.
How to repair siding and add a Belly Band
Dry rot on the side of your house? get it fixed by installing a belly band. Step by step tutorial...
BeagleBoard Testing SPI
My first post that got me famous. Okay, maybe it is just my first post that got 200K views over the last few years and includes some deep diving into compiling a Linux Kernal and getting the Serial Perephial Interface (SPI) to work on a new BeagleBoard XM
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